Rev. Francine Angel Installed the 8th President of the College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy

The Rev. Francine Angel was installed as the Eighth President of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy at the 2008 CPSP Plenary held in Little Rock, AR this April.
She is an honor graduate of Morehouse School of Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center, 1996. She received her M.Div in Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Care. In 1995 she was listed on the National Dean List and in Who’s Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities.
In addition to her academic accomplishment, she spent years being clinically trained that culminated in significant accomplishments in the clinical pastoral field: Board Certified Chaplain, Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor.
For many years she has been the creative force as the Coordinator of the National Clinical Seminar (NCTS) for the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy. This seminar is scheduled twice a year (Spring and Fall). NCTS is geared toward offering continuing education and clinical consultation within a psychodynamic small group process. Under her leadership the NCTS has soared.
She served as the Acting Director for the Department of Pastoral Care and as the Program Coordinator of Clinical Pastoral Education Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
Presently, The Rev. Francine Angel is a CPE Supervisor for Episcopal Health Services in Far Rockaway, New York. In this context she directs both the CPE Residency program and the Extended Evening CPE Internship program.
The CPSP community is delighted and honored that for the next two years we will have the talent, experience, wisdom and leadership ability of The Rev. Francine Angel, not only as a trusted colleague but as our CPSP President.