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Showing posts from 2013

2014 Plenary Gathering of the College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy

On behalf of the CPSP Leadership Team, we warmly invite you to join us for the 24th Annual CPSP Plenary in Virginia Beach, Virginia, March 30 – April 3, 2014.  We will meet at the Sheraton Oceanfront Hotel for informative speakers, dynamic group process and a fun filled evening of karaoke.   Dr. J. Harold Ellens will be the recipient of the Helen Flanders Dunbar Award. The CPSP plenary gathering is unique in many ways and one of the most important aspects of our gathering is the mutual sharing of our work and our lives in a small group context. Please come prepared to share yourself and your clinical work as we come together to hear and to respond to each voice in the community. Full details of the Plenary Registration, Schedule and workshops will be forthcoming

The Spiritual Care Collaborative Comes To An End

The organization that was set to change the face of Professional Chaplaincy and Clinical Pastoral training movement, the Spiritual Care Collaborative, has been dissolved as a corporation.   The Association of Professional Chaplains, one of the founding organizations, had withdrawn from membership in the fall of 2010.   On May 14, 2012, the Steering Committee of the Spiritual Care Collaborative (SCC) voted to dissolve its formal Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) structure. The LLC was formed in 2007 as the six founding associations prepared for the 2009 SCC Summit. While this formal structure is no longer needed, the five associations of the SCC, American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, and National Association of Jewish Chaplains, remain deeply committed to one another to convene quarterly via conference calls to share projects, to revi...

Bertrand Russell - Face to Face Interview (BBC, 1959)

Bodyshock - The Boy In The Bubble - David Vetter - Part 5

Bodyshock - The Boy In The Bubble - David Vetter - Part 4

Bodyshock - The Boy In The Bubble - David Vetter - Part 3

Bodyshock - The Boy In The Bubble - David Vetter - Part 2

Bodyshock - The Boy In The Bubble - David Vetter - Part 1

Strategies for whole system change in healthcare (HEARTS in HEALTHCARE)

The CPSP Advantage

People Are More Important Than Institutions The College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy  is unique among the national pastoral care training, certifying and accrediting agencies in that CPSP is a covenanting community. At the heart of the CPSP community is a covenant of mutual accountability grounded in the concept that people are more important than institutions. Believing that life is best lived by grace, the CPSP community places a premium on the significance of relationships between its members. What other organizations attempt to legislate for by standards CPSP is by nature, a community of professional accountability. The CPSP advantage is that people come first. The Covenant of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy Spiritual pilgrims We, the CPSP members see ourselves as spiritual pilgrims seeking a truly collegial professional community. Our calling and commitments are, therefore, first and last theological. We covenant to address one another...

2013 College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy Presidential Address

Presidential Address March 18, 2013 Las Vegas, NV Brian H. Childs, CPSP President I have recently turned 66 years old. Recently I have been thinking quite a bit about my own death. I have come realize that I have lived more than likely the vast majority of my life years. Now this realization is not macabre. I am most grateful for my life. I have lived a good and full life. I have loved and been loved. I have been forgiven as I have forgiven. I have dear children and I have done the best I can in my work and my calling. Te Deum. Yet, I had always thought that I would die without ever having been to Las Vegas. Here I am. Likewise I had never ever thought I would be the President of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy . Here I am. What curves life can throw even at the end of it all. I am honored and pleased to be your President over the next two years. As I have prepared for this post over the year of my term as President elect I have come to focus on what I ...

CPSP Clinical Fellow in Hospice & Palliative Care Certification For Board Certified Chaplains

TheCollege of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy (CPSP) now offers a clinical fellow in hospice and palliative care. This is a sub-specialty credential for those already credentialed as Board Certified Clinical Chaplains / Board Certified Pastoral Counselors. CPSP's newly developed credential "Clinical Fellow in Hospice & Palliative Care" has generated lots of interest within the CPSP community and beyond. A Frequently Asked Question: I am a certified chaplain by another pastoral care cognate group. How can I apply for the certification as Clinical Fellow in Hospice & Palliative Care? Answer: For those who are credentialed at the “board certified” level by one of the other pastoral care cognate groups, CPSP offers reciprocity of credentials at the Board Certified Clinical Chaplain level. Example: Board Certified Chaplains with APC/BCCI are eligible for reciprocity of their credentials to become a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with CPSP. ...

College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy 2013 Plenary Announcement

On behalf of the CPSP Plenary Organizing Committee, we warmly invite you to join us for the 2013 gathering of the CPSP Community.  We will meet March 17 through March 20, 2013, at the Golden Nugget Resort in downtown Las Vegas. A block of rooms have been reserved at a special rate of $49 per night.  You can reserve your room online by selecting the following link: Golden Nugget Resort in downtown Las Vegas Full details of the Plenary Registration, Schedule and workshops will be forthcoming.  George Hankins Hull CPSP Plenary Secretary