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Showing posts from 2008

Spiritual Care Collaborative A Jarring Note of Discord

The Spiritual Care Collaborative  sounds all the right notes when it comes to promoting and advertising the SCC as new breakthrough in collaboration between pastoral care and counseling organizations. High ideals expressed on paper sound good and make a good sales pitch but unless accompanied by serious results on the ground amount to nothing more than lofty words blowing in the wind. Rather than creating harmony in the midst of the pastoral care and counseling movement the SCC sound a jarring note of discord tainted by an exclusive elitism. The SCC recently admitted (1)  that it has no developed mechanism for including other participating organizations in the partnership of collaboration. So much then for lofty ideals and claims of Collaboration mere code words used as cover for darker motives of control and monopoly. Note (1) NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE CPSP COMMUNITY RE. RELATIONS TO THE SPIRITUAL CARE COLLABORATIVE September 3, 2008 Notice to Members of the  College of Pastoral Superv...

Spiritual Care Collaborative Fall at First Hurdle

The Spiritual Care Collaborative has recently had to acknowledge to the College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy that the SCC has failed to develop a means of including other clinical pastoral training and certifying bodies as members of the SCC. Sadly the admission of the SCC to CPSP that the SCC does not know how to revise its founding documents or whether it should reveals that it is more of a political power block than a truly collaborative organization. George Hankins Hull CPSP Diplomate in Clinical Pastoral Education FROM THE CPSP GENERAL SECRETARY : SCC Unable to Act On Question of Whether to Invite CPSP We applaud the Board of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) that last month unanimously voted in the affirmative to invite CPSP to join the Spiritual Care Collaborative. We also applaud the National Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC) for taking the same action. However, neither CPSP nor any other organization should hold its breath waiting for ...

Rev. Francine Angel Installed the 8th President of the College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy

The Rev. Francine Angel was installed as the Eighth President of the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy at the 2008 CPSP Plenary held in Little Rock, AR this April. She is an honor graduate of Morehouse School of Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center, 1996. She received her M.Div in Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Care. In 1995 she was listed on the National Dean List and in Who’s Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities. In addition to her academic accomplishment, she spent years being clinically trained that culminated in significant accomplishments in the clinical pastoral field: Board Certified Chaplain, Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor. For many years she has been the creative force as the Coordinator of the National Clinical Seminar (NCTS) for the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy. This seminar is scheduled twice a year (Spring and Fall). NCTS is geared toward offering...

College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy

CPSP Hosting National And International Events

CPSP Sponsoring Asia-Pacific Symposium on Clinical Pastoral Care November 17-21, 2008, the Asia-Pacific Symposium on "Clinical Pastoral Care, Counseling, and Education in the Asian Cultural Context" will be held in the dazzling city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It promises to draw seminal theoreticians and clinicians together, in the midst of a vibrant, culturally-diverse environment, to examine and discuss contextual and cultural relevancy in the pastoral care and counseling disciplines. CPSP inaugurates the first CPSP chapter in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. February 26th, 2008 Dr. Raymond J. Lawrence, General Secretary for the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy reviewed four candidates for Board Certification as Clinical Chaplains and inaugurated the first CPSP chapter in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. CPSP 2008 Plenary Gathering CPSP invites you to join us for an exciting time at the 2008 CPSP Plenary March 30 – April 2, 2008. This year's Plenary will feature informative ...

The College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy In Conversation with Professor Arthur W. Frank

We are pleased to announce that Professor Arthur W. Frank will be the Keynote speaker at the at the 2008 Plenary Gathering of The College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy. Arthur W. Frank is professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, Alberta Canada. Dr. Frank received his undergraduate degree in English from Princeton University (High Honours, 1968), his M.A. in Communications from the University of Pennsylvania, and his M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Sociology from Yale University (1975). He has taught at the University of Calgary since 1975. In 2006 he was elected a Fellow of The Hastings Center, the preeminent U.S. bioethics institute, and also elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, which is the highest honor that Canadian academics can receive. He is the author of At the Will of the Body: Reflections on Illness (Houghton Mifflin, 1991), the story of his 1985 heart attack and subsequent testicular cancer. The book has been translated into four langua...

2008 Plenary of The College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy A Gathering You Cannot Afford To Miss

An organizations philosophy of how it organizes itself can cost a community when it comes to conference time in terms of dollars. Organizations with a top down corporate structure have higher over head costs for staff and buildings. In contrast to the corporate model the College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy is a grass roots organization bound together by its covenant to travel light. CPSP's commitment to traveling light, having no paid professional staff and owning no buildings allows us to keep the costs of membership and conferences at a minimum. The cost of registration for the 2008 CPSP Plenary is $195.00 inclusive of meals and banquet and the hotel room will cost you $79.00 with $10.00 for each additional person. As part of the CPSP covenant of traveling light CPSP does not solicit any corporate sponsorship or endowments. For more information about the CPSP Plenary visit the link below: CPSP Pastoral Report